The Exchange, KU Edwards, Overland Park, KS :: 2017.
This public art installation on the University of Kansas Edwards campus went through a three-year process of sequential designs, in conjunction with landscape architects from Olsson (click image for link). Its final form includes a stained concrete plaza, a raised platform with glass mosaic, custom bench seating and landscaping elements.

The Exchange, KU Edwards, Overland Park, KS :: 2017.
The driving idea behind our design was always to provide a welcoming place on the campus green for students, faculty and visitors to relax, work and connect with each other.

The Exchange, KU Edwards, Overland Park, KS :: 2017.
The series of initial designs were intended to modify the rectilinear space between the two major building clusters on campus, and to create connecting paths that would encourage the likelihood of encountering people from across the university.

The Exchange, KU Edwards, Overland Park, KS :: 2017.
We also hoped to replace some of the highly maintained expanses of turf with more sustainable native plants, shrubs and trees. Because of the number of classrooms, administrative spaces and corridors that faced onto this quadrangle, we focused on designs that would create interest from both an aerial and ground-level perspective.

The Exchange, KU Edwards, Overland Park, KS :: 2017.
Initial research into the history and geography of the site revealed a heritage of the indigenous Hopewell trading system, with the campus sitting close to the western boundary of many interconnected territories. Trade usually occurred along rivers and other waterways, and included materials, manufactured goods and culture.
See Narrative and Process tabs below for more details.

The Exchange, KU Edwards, Overland Park, KS :: 2017.
When we started to make connections between trade networks and the curriculum of the university - both complex systems of initiative, exchange and propagation - we were inspired to base the design of the mosaic on a chemical phenomenon known as the Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction. See the Narrative section for more details.

The Exchange, KU Edwards, Overland Park, KS :: 2017.
The final mosaic was executed in 4mm glass tiles, mounted directly onto a circular, raised concrete pad. The original plan for the pad had been to serve as a kind of stage for performance and presentation, but in the end it became more of a visual focal point.

The Exchange, KU Edwards, Overland Park, KS :: 2017.
During the consultation process the University had referred us to another public project that the donor had been involved with. This was a garden at a public arboretum that had been planted to recall the impressionist paintings of Claude Monet. We visited the garden and took photographs of the vegetation.

The Exchange, KU Edwards, Overland Park, KS :: 2017.
We used the photographs to derive a color palette for the mosaic design.

The Exchange, KU Edwards, Overland Park, KS :: 2017.
Close up of the grouted mosaic.

The Exchange, KU Edwards, Overland Park, KS :: 2017.
Close up of the grouted mosaic.

The Exchange, KU Edwards, Overland Park, KS :: 2017.
Close up of the grouted mosaic.

The Exchange, KU Edwards, Overland Park, KS :: 2017.
Close up of the grouted mosaic.

The Exchange, KU Edwards, Overland Park, KS :: 2017.
Close up of the grouted mosaic.

The Exchange, KU Edwards, Overland Park, KS :: 2017.
Close up of the grouted mosaic.

The Exchange, KU Edwards, Overland Park, KS :: 2017.
The final design for the plaza reflects our interest in creating a strong visual presentation from overlooking spaces inside the flanking buildings. We chose lavender bushes for the circular bed. Surprisingly, staining of the simple plaza concrete proved to be one of the more challenging parts of the installation because the acid wash preparation and complete drying of the slab was repeatedly undone by heavy rains and landscape contractor accidents.

The Exchange, KU Edwards, Overland Park, KS :: 2017.
An important feature of the landscaping included shade trees that would provide a comfortable space to sit during the hottest hours of the afternoon.

The Exchange, KU Edwards, Overland Park, KS :: 2017.
The benches, whose slats are made from recycled HDPE, are all provided with electrical outlets that visitors can use to charge their laptops and other mobile devices. We hoped to lure some classes to use the plaza as an area for group discussions or individual quiet work.

The Exchange, KU Edwards, Overland Park, KS :: 2017.
Because the campus caters to many students who attend classes in the evenings, we provided landscape lighting around the edge of the plaza and the connecting path.

The Exchange, KU Edwards, Overland Park, KS :: 2017.
We also used weatherproof led lighting strips attached to the supporting frame. This creates a safe and welcoming island of light.

The Exchange, KU Edwards, Overland Park, KS :: 2017.
Close up of the plaza at night, showing the power connection boxes and area lighting.