we are cole + rosser
julia cole
Julia Cole is an interdisciplinary public artist, educator and community strategist.
Julia’s first career was as a biologist, with a focus on pattern formation in developing organisms and ecology.
She then went on to earn a Bachelor of Fine Arts from the San Francisco Art Institute, and a Master of Fine Arts from the University of Washington in Seattle. She has worked with a wide variety of media and processes, and has a long-standing interest in integrative strategies that bring ideas together with sensitively crafted physical forms.
Julia’s personal work focuses on community interventions, using artistic practice to arouse imaginative social and political engagement. Recent projects have included: building creative partnerships around issues of affordable housing https://dwdkc.wordpress.com/; co-developing an alternative educational program https://www.facebook.com/RadSchool/; and co-founding a collaborative art and design agency that serves rising communities https://counteragency.org.
leigh rosser
Leigh Rosser works as an exhibit designer, specializing in interactive design and media & technology integration.
Leigh earned an architecture degree from the University of Kansas. He also has extensive career experience with a broad range of fabrication techniques, control electronics, 3-D modeling & animation, CAD, and CNC machining.
Leigh applies this knowledge, combined with his passion for media and technology, to storytelling in the educational museum setting, and is currently part of a team developing the nation’s first children’s book museum, The Rabbit hOle.
His personal work has spanned playful interactive machines, time-delayed interactive video, and functional industrial design. Leigh loves to explore new materials and technologies for the opportunities they can present. He is also adept at developing new fabrication techniques and stretching the limits of the tools and technologies at his disposal.